Some Noise Marines

My army will be running a bunch of Noise Marines and all of them will have sonic blasters. My first scratchbuilt sonic should be done later today, but here's an early WIP shot.


The long blue wires sticking out of the hand will be cut and GSed onto the sonic. More wires will be added from the gun to the right arm.

While waiting for the GS to dry on the sonic, I started putting two more NMs together. I fixed their torsos and legs a while back and now it was time to start GSing together. As you see its NM legs with daemonette torsos. It took quite a bit of cutting and filing to get them to fit, but to be my firsts Im happy with em.



They will both have a big daemonette claw and a scratchbuilt sonic in the other hand. Smaller sonics to fit the smaller upper body. And Im thinking that theyll both get shoulder pads and backpacks. Smaller custom made of course :)



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