Someone commented on my WL!

I got an email from Warseer (since Ive subscribed to my own thread there) and saw that someone commented on my WL yesterday! How lovely. I really need to give that poor WL some attention (that and a ton of other figs...).

I really really like the WL figure. Horrible basic pose if not converted but the fig is full of potential to convert and there are lots of great WLs out there to inspire you. I hope that mine will join the ranks of those one day...

I mean, a revenant one finned WL? How cool is that? :D

Eldar Wraithlord - for fun, for a challenge, for sale

Earlier this year I felt I needed something different and challenging. So I started converting an eldar wraitlord. If you want to read more about the past of this small side project then check out either of these:

My Eldar Wraithlord-blog on Dakka, Warseer or Work in Progress.

Lots of research, sketches and early WIP photos to see where Im heading with it. Now I thought Id just show the last little progress made on the head. Needs to be smoothed out some more, the details of the face and then some. But Im getting there!

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